The Lusty Librarian Read online

  The Lusty Librarian

  Matt Coolomon

  Victoria Hansen

  Copyright © 2014 Matt Coolomon and Victorian Hansen

  This is a work of fiction

  Any resemblance to any real life person is coincidental.

  This book contains descriptions of sexually explicit acts.

  It is intended for adults only

  All characters portrayed are 18 years or older

  The Lusty Librarian


  Sam glanced at the clock hanging on the wall of her den/workout room. 5:45 am. Time to get off the treadmill if she wanted to check her email before work. She hopped off and pressed the button to power down the machine, pulling the earbuds from her ears as she went. She turned off the text-to-voice function on her eReader and reluctantly set it aside. Even in the privacy of her own home, listening to erotica at normal volume was too much. She grinned, blushing a little to herself. Her favorite writer’s naughty stories were a silly way to start the day, but she couldn’t help it. 35 and single was a lonely life, and the erotic writings of Cooper Grey were her only escape. Especially on a snowy, frigid morning in deep winter. If it were warmer and lighter she’d be running outside. But the thermometer, which she’d had to turn on the outdoor light to read, registered 37 degrees. Yuck. Too cold for anything but the treadmill. She walked down the hallway towards the bathroom, ducking into the laundry to feed the cat.

  Oliver, a territorial Siamese with a yodel that could wake the dead, watched her with disapproving eyes, as though he knew she’d been thinking about men.

  “Sorry, hon,” she told the cat. “You’re fixed. And I like guys who are taller than me.”

  He narrowed his eyes. She laughed and continued down the hall.

  In the bathroom, a full length mirror hung on the back of the door. Sam pulled off her sweaty workout gear and regarded her face and figure. Not bad, for her age. Her hair, though stringy with moisture and crumpled from her sleeping on it, hung past her shoulders in a straight sheet of gleaming mahogany, only threaded with silver in a few spots. Granted, the skin around her warm brown eyes and full, pink-lipped mouth crinkled a tiny bit, but not too much. Just enough to show she was no baby. Years of working out had maintained her slender arms, perky upright A-cup breasts, and narrow waist. Her hips and bottom were round and smooth without being too full. She looked like a woman in her prime.

  Too bad she had no one to share it with.

  Scowling at her reflection, she turned on the hot water and jumped into the shower.

  She quickly washed and shampooed away the sweat of her workout. But getting out into the chilly bathroom didn’t seem like much fun, so she luxuriated in the water a bit longer. She nabbed her razor and shaved her legs, under her arms, and last, her pubic hair. While she always maintained it, today, feeling naughty, she took it all off. Then she set the razor aside and stroked her pussy, enjoying the smooth, hairless lips before delving in between. Her clit was erect and wonderfully sensitive as she stroked it, circling with practiced fingertips until a long-awaited orgasm shook her. Sam leaned her head against her arm on the cool shower wall and continued, drawing out her pleasure until it became overwhelming. Running her fingers over her juicy folds a couple of times, she felt her pussy clench and grinned. If those old fuddy duddies at the library only knew... but they never would.

  The water had cooled to a disappointing lukewarm, so she turned it off and stepped out onto her squishy gel floor mat, quickly drying off with a big fluffy purple towel, which she hung on the shower curtain bar before pulling on her bathrobe and padding back down the hall to her bedroom.

  She quickly put on a black lace thong and matching underwire bra. She really didn’t need the support, but the extra layer helped conceal her erect nipples.

  It was time to don her disguise. She pulled on a pair of khaki pants, about one size too big, a turtleneck, and a thick, shapeless sweater. Now she looked the part. Crossing to her vanity, she blow dried her hair before pulling it back into a severe brown bun. She touched her eyelids with brown shadow and mascara.

  A tell-tale aroma alerted her to the fact that her coffee was ready, and she pulled on a pair of knee high stockings and her bedroom slippers before heading to the pocket-sized kitchen of her bungalow for breakfast.


  By 2:00, Sam was about to die of boredom. Reading time had ended, and the mothers had taken their tots home for naps. School was back in session, so the homework crowd wouldn’t arrive for another couple of hours. The returns were all shelved. Afternoon at the library was a real drag.

  The bell on the door jangled. Sam looked up in surprise. Two men stalked into the room.

  “Oooh,” her assistant Millie breathed in awe, and privately Sam agreed that the younger of the two men was quite a hottie. Perhaps around 30, with overly long, curly brown hair and piercing blue eyes, his white teeth accented chiseled features that were perhaps a little too tan to be natural. Especially in winter. He also looked quite vain.

  “Ma’am?” A low-pitched voice with a sexy accent drew her attention. This man was older than his companion, though his age was not easily determined. Silver threads shot through his short, straight dark hair. Rugged grooves bracketed his mouth. He reminded Sam of a weathered cowboy. But the naughty twinkle in his hazel eyes captured her far more than the idea of his pretty-boy companion. This looked like a man who knew his way around a woman.

  Blushing at her wayward thoughts, Sam cleared her throat and said, “Can I help you, sir?”

  “Yes, please,” he replied. “I’m looking for sources I can use in a writing project.”

  “Well, this is a library,” she said, teasingly, but without biting irony. She softened the blow further with a grin.

  He smiled back.

  “What are you researching?” she asked.

  “The history of the town. I’ve been hired as manager of the museum, and part of the job is to finish the project my predecessor picked at for the last decade without ever actually writing. If I don’t show progress in the next three months, my ‘probationary’ period will be the extent of my employment in this town.”

  “Oh dear,” Sam said, mentally kicking herself for using an old lady phrase. “It’s not exactly fair to punish you for someone else’s lack of motivation.”

  “It’s all right,” he replied. “I’m a fairly accomplished author. I don’t foresee a problem... if there are sources available.”

  “Of course,” Sam replied, stepping out from behind the counter and leading the gentleman to the reference section. Here, the scent of old book was particularly strong.

  The younger man who had walked in with the new museum manager approached and was efficiently dismissed to the media room by his boss. “Off you go, Chris. Internet research. Just follow the instructions in the email.” He turned back to Sam “Sorry… you were saying?”

  Sam indicated a half-shelf labeled ‘local history’. “And if you need anything, my name is Sam, and I’m the head librarian.”

  “Sam?” He raised one arched eyebrow. “You don’t look like a Sam to me. Is that sort for anything?”

  “Samantha, of course,” she replied. “Samantha Ericson. And you are?”

  “Cooper Williamson.”

  She extended her hand and he clasped it firmly but without crushing pressure.

  “My God, you’re cold!” he exclaimed.

  “Sorry,” Sam replied.

  He closed his hands around hers and chafed gently, warming the icy digits. Sam closed her eyes and enjoyed the touch of his big calloused palms.

  “There,” he said, releasing her. “That better?”

  “Oh yes,” she replied. “I don’t think
I’ll ever be cold again... on this side.” She was flirting now, rather blatantly, she knew. Her heartbeat sped up as she wondered what his response would be.

  He grasped her other hand and raised it to his mouth, gently blowing warm breath over her chilly skin. “Can’t have that,” he said, meeting her eyes and giving a flirtatious wink. When her fingers were warm, he released her.

  “I need to get to work,” he said, his voice filled with reluctance.

  “I know,” she replied. “But let me know if you need anything.”

  “I will.” He winked again and Sam returned, smiling, to the front desk.


  She didn’t look like much, Cooper had to admit. She had a pretty face, but that was all she was showing off. Her neck was slender too. It looked like it would be nice to nibble on… suck on. With her hair stuck up in a bun like that, she was certainly displaying that little bit of femininity.

  There was plenty of suitable research material amongst the age old books that didn’t appear to have been disturbed much in recent decades. There was dust under each of the ones Cooper had collected so far. He figured he might actually put a few of them back… maybe come here to the library to do his research.

  He leaned back in his seat and looked around the doorway to check out the librarian again. She was there at a computer screen. From the angle of his view he could see in behind her counter. Her pants were not tight fitting. He imagined she was quite slender underneath, but she was also womanly. There were curves testing her straight khaki pants and there were slight protrusions in the upper part of a thick sweater. She appeared quite small breasted, which pleased Cooper.

  Actually, it excited him. The idea of a lover with breasts small enough for him to fully enclose in his hands was intriguing. He could barely recall the few young teen girlfriends he’d had near on thirty years ago. There were some small breasts among the ones he had gotten to feel up back then, but it was more about getting hold of some big boobs as best he could recall. The fact was, of the five women he had been involved with since then, all were large up top… more than a handful.

  No. Time for a change. In recent years he had found himself taking far more notice of women with the build of this librarian lady.

  He watched her bend over to get something from the cupboard under her counter. Yeah, that’s a nice butt… you can try and hide it with those unflattering pants, library lady, but that’s a nice butt.

  Cooper chuckled to himself at how shallow he was being. Of course the small boobs and curvy little butt wouldn’t be worth a damn if not for the look in her eyes he had noticed at first. She was intelligent. There was a sharpness – a depth of perception that he had recognized immediately. There was also a hint of mystery. This was a person he would like to get to know.

  One with a hot body that I wouldn’t mind getting to know too.

  Samantha. Hmm… nice name. Suits you.


  Cooper spent an hour mapping out a research plan and referencing where he would likely find the information he needed, then he returned all the books to their places and gave Samantha a smile as he passed her counter. She was busy with a customer but tossed him a smile right back, along with a cute little blush that he noted as the kind of interest he was hoping might be returned.

  Yes, lovely intelligent brown eyes. But there’s a whole lot you’re not giving away pretty lady. I’ll be back, as Arnie says.

  Cooper would be back tomorrow. Right then he had to rush to his new office for a conference call with three of the directors of the museum. These were two women and a man he had not even met. He had gotten the job via a friendship he had formed with the fourth director, whom he had met at a convention in London.

  Cooper had been employed at the Museum of Natural History there, where he had put in ten years service and worked his way into middle management. This gig was quite a step up. To be truthful, he was underqualified and lacked the experience he needed. He was just a smidge out of his depth there in Oakville, Texas.

  The tele-conference went smoothly all the same. He spent half an hour chatting with his new employers, and got through their grilling over what direction the museum needed to be taken and how he thought he might go about addressing some of the main objectives.

  The job had come with quarters in the middle of the business district. It was an old building but clean and secure. Cooper’s compact little two bedroom apartment was on the third level with a small balcony offering a view of what was a very busy street on a Thursday evening.

  He showered and changed into track pants and a heavy woolen jumper. He had his high-top sheepskin boots from home, which he never wore out, keeping them as house slippers. He had set up his workstation by a window looking out onto the street. He had a comfy swiveling office chair that also reclined when he leaned back, but was spring loaded to flip upright when he sat up. He liked that for when he needed to think what to write next. He could lie back and mull over the possibilities, then sit up and get to typing when something struck him.

  This was not about work… as in a day job. No, Cooper’s true passion was writing fiction. Psychological thrillers for the most part. Erotic fantasy tales on the side.

  It had been a long day already. The psycho thriller he was working on was too heavy for his current frame of mind. He opened the file of his story about a young wife on holidays, who had become the object of desire for two older men. He had completed a final edit in the early hours that morning and was ready to publish the story on-line overnight. One last read through was called for, though, so with a jar of Vaseline and a box of tissues ready, Cooper settled back and began reading, his hand wandering down the front of his track pants to massage a quickly forming erection.


  The next morning, Sam woke up feeling hot... hot and bothered. The temperature outside had not risen one degree since yesterday. In fact, the forecasters were predicting a chilly haze to add to the cold. Wonderful. But the little librarian had spent the whole night twisting and turning in the throes of an erotic dream she couldn’t quite remember. She was pretty sure that museum guy was at the core of it. What had his name been? Cooper? Yes, Cooper. Funny. Same first name as her favorite writer. Of course, Cooper was a common enough name.

  Stretching, Sam threw off the sheets and headed down to the den for a quick run before work. With a guilty grin, she popped in her earbuds and continued listening to Justine on the Island, her latest Cooper Grey purchase. As the disgruntled young wife gave in to one man after another, the sweat pouring down Sam’s forehead and neck came from more than just her vigorous workout. Damn, she was lonely. It had been far too long since she’d made love with a man.

  Aggravated and aroused, Sam hopped off the treadmill a full ten minutes before time and hit the showers. Maybe she could get to work early and do some ordering. That might help her shake off these distracting feelings.

  By 11:15, she realized she’d been wrong. Being at work was in many ways worse. No privacy, and the boredom was about to drive her out of her mind. Not a single patron browsed the stacks. Her assistant was in the media room researching and she was manning the desk... pointlessly.

  Looking for a way to pass time, Sam dug in her pocket and pulled out her cell phone. No texts, of course, but she could check her email... and sure enough there was one. From the small ebook retailer she loved... letting her know her favorite writer had a new release. She pressed the purchase button immediately.

  Now what? Waiting for evening to dive into her new erotic adventure was going to suck.

  But did she have to wait? Wasn’t she... she was! Overtime this week! She could take an extra long lunch. Goodness knew there was nothing worth her time going on here.

  “Millie!” she called. The girl poked her head out of the media room. “I have some errands to run, and since it’s dead in here, I think I’ll take my lunch early instead of leaving at 4.”

  Millie nodded and emerged, taking Sam’s place behind the desk. Sam scooted out to
her car. The ugly station wagon didn’t thrill her. Some time soon she would have to buy something new. She could afford it. But car shopping in winter was a drag. So she turned the key in the ignition and the grumpy vehicle reluctantly agreed to start. Good. She drove quickly back to her bungalow and unlocked the front door, running to the den to retrieve her eReader. She was already two pages into “Dirty Old Men” before the microwave button dinged on her cup of soup.

  She gulped the salty chicken noodle without tasting it and dropped the cup in the trash. This story was just too hot. She couldn’t go back to work without some relief. The clock read 11:45 and she was due back at 1:00. Plenty of time.

  Sam flipped on the text to speech, full volume, no earbuds, and dragged a kitchen chair into the bathroom

  “Show me your tits,” old man Petro said to the angry young wife of his vacation property renter. In the story, the girl, Natalie, had huge ones. C cups. Sam set her eReader carefully on the edge of the bathtub and slipped out of her sweater. Her shirt followed quickly after. Even through her bra, she could see her nipples, the dark brown color visible under the sheer white fabric. Who would guess the buttoned-up librarian kept such an array of sexy underwear? It was another little secret of hers. She unhooked the bra and dropped it to the floor. No one knew she had a sculpted body under her frumpy clothes. She preferred it that way.

  In the mirror, she examined her tiny breasts. Would men like them? Jaden had. But Jaden had been gone a long time. Would other men? Would that sexy museum manager Cooper? Not like this he wouldn’t, with the nipples all flat and flaccid. She gripped one between her thumb and forefinger and gave a sharp tug. The sting sent a jolt of pleasure straight to her pussy. She rolled the little nub, stimulating herself roughly. Her already moist slit was growing wetter by the moment, and the scent of her arousal was detectable even through her trousers. She released the nipple and smiled. Now it looked good; hard and dark. Even old Petro would approve. The other side had risen on its own, but she played with it anyway, watching herself as she twisted and tugged on the sensitive bud. She imagined Cooper standing behind her, the big calloused hands that had warmed her fingers yesterday tweaking her nipples while she watched.